16 Quotes by Paula Weston

  • Author Paula Weston
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    I hear you've been with every Rephaite in a skirt.'Crap. Where did that come from?'Who told you that?' HIs smile shifts into something less amused. 'Daniel. Who else? The prick.''Is he a liar?'Rafa leans against the pale wall. 'I haven't been with everyone.''What about Taya?''Hell, no. I'm no monk, but I have standards.'I wonder what else Daniel was wrong about. 'What about me?'Rafa's teasing smile doesn't quite reach his eyes. 'You had standards too.

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  • Author Paula Weston
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    I glance down at my threadbare t-shirt and baggy flannelette pyjama bottoms.

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  • Author Paula Weston
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    How can you forgive what I did?""Because I know you. Because I've seen the best and the worst of you. Because of everything we've been through in the last hundred and thirty-nine years and what we've been through since you found me in the bar. God, because I want to move forward.""Yea, but --""Because I love you, you idiot!

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  • Author Paula Weston
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    Rafa straightens. ‘'Just let me figure a few things out.’'‘'Like why you didn’t help me?’'He shrugs, unrepentant. ‘'I thought it was an act. It didn’t cross my mind you wouldn’t fight.’'‘'If I knew how to fight, Rafa, you wouldn’t still be conscious.’'That brings a quick grin to his face. ‘'See, now that gives me hope all’s not lost. You’re still in there somewhere.’'‘'Who’s still in here? Who is it you and those psychopaths think I am?’'His smile fades. ‘'You really don’t know.

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  • Author Paula Weston
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    We’re not doing that, and you know it.” He doesn’t speak again I lean closer, lower my voice. “I know things are messy with us, but do you really think I could just walk away from you?”This time he doesn’t look away. “Do you really think I’d let you?

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  • Author Paula Weston
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    You believe what he's saying - that they're demons?"Simon nods. "Like, from hell?'""No," Rafa says, "from Comic-Con." He shakes his head. "Yes, from hell.

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  • Author Paula Weston
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    We're quiet for a moment. And then: 'Why did you call me Matt?''It seemed like a good idea at the time. Now that I know you, I realise I should have called that character Dick.'He laughs, and then the couch shakes. 'Honestly, Gabe, I forgot you could be this much fun.

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