19 Quotes by Peter Lewis

  • Author Peter Lewis
  • Quote

    With the Ontario lift on the tuition fee freeze and the rising costs associated with sending a child to post-secondary education, it is becoming increasingly important for parents to start saving as early as possible. Not only will saving early set the financial foundation for a child's education, it also demonstrates to a child that you are taking steps to help them pursue a post-secondary education, helping to align their goals from an early age.

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  • Author Peter Lewis
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    We acknowledge he has a contract and we definitely want to stand by that and give him every chance of success.

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  • Author Peter Lewis
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    The poor had to deal with charity hospitals. If admitted to these institutions, they were housed and fed, but they also shared beds and germs with all the other diseased patients in their wards, and often received little medical help; if they were refused admission, they suffered and died in the streets.

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  • Author Peter Lewis
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    Sexual morality was becoming stricter, and prostitutes were usually condemned far more savagely than the men who used their services.

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  • Author Peter Lewis
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    I was dismissed from the firm for reasons and beliefs which were not based on facts or evidences but for 'preferences' which resulted from innuendo, assumption, false stereotype and homophobia.

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  • Author Peter Lewis
  • Quote

    Jeff won't be given the third degree nor will he be shown the door. I'll simply consult with everyone involved and we'll come up with a consensus. He just might have the shits with the whole thing and be happily gone.

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  • Author Peter Lewis
  • Quote

    Regardless of its geographic origin, people quickly began to notice that the pox traveled from one person to another. They sometimes blamed transmission on common and morally innocuous practices - drinking from a common cup, kissing friends in church, following a syphilitic comrade on the latrine.

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  • Author Peter Lewis
  • Quote

    The only shareholders who benefit are the ones who sell out, and who gives a damn for the shareholders who sell, ... I care about the shareholders who are, not the shareholders who were.

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