19 Quotes by Philip Elliott
Philip Elliott Quotes By Tag
- Author Philip Elliott
At the clinic, they fed us pills like they were biscuits. Those pills made the tongue loose in my head, my left arm numb from the elbow down. Sometimes the world would smoulder at the edges. Patients came and went, people from every kind of background but all with one thing in common: no longer capable of contributing to society, they needed to be kept out of sight: losers, loners, dreamers, freaks; God forbid they ever make it onto a TV screen.
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- Author Philip Elliott
Greed is the most dependable of human weaknesses.
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- Author Philip Elliott
Merica ain’t nothin’ ’bout freedom, that’s a lie,” her ex-army cousin had told her once. “’Merica’s something that happens to you. Something you gotta survive.
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- Author Philip Elliott
The closer you looked at Los Angeles, the less sense the place made. Living here was like living inside a confusing dream that threatened to plunge into a nightmare at any moment. Richie viewed LA as their salvation, but Alabama saw the truth: It wanted to consume them.
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- Author Philip Elliott
the end is the beginning the beginning is the end& we are all just fragments of a dream
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- Author Philip Elliott
By the time the guitar solo erupted into being, Dakota had her eyes closed, her hips swaying like the breeze and Eddie lost inside a bubble with her. There was something about her all right, and it wasn't the cocktails telling him that, either.
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- Author Philip Elliott
At last Eddie understood why they called it 'making love.' Until now he'd only been having sex, and, my oh my, what he had been missing.
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- Author Philip Elliott
This terrible legacy of colonization and genocide and inherited trauma has devalued us even to ourselves, destroyed our communities. Sometimes I think beyond saving . . .
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- Author Philip Elliott
If Eddie had ever seen a more beautiful woman, he couldn't remember it.
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