24 Quotes by Rachel Klein
- Author Rachel Klein
The future when everybody changes and turns into someone different. I’ll become a person I won’t like at all. It won’t matter because that person will have forgotten all about me. I won’t exist anymore. It’s worse than dying- It means my life now is not really happening.
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- Author Rachel Klein
.. the truth is what you can't see but are certain of anyway.
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- Author Rachel Klein
You have to trust someone before you can have rituals with them.
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- Author Rachel Klein
I love that moment, when you stop struggling to stay awake and your eyelids shut sink down and you slip effortlessly into another realm that’s beckoning to you.
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- Author Rachel Klein
To sublime: to pass directly from the solid to the vapor state.To sublimate: to divert the expression of an instinctual desire or impulse from its primitive form to one that is considered more socially or culturally acceptable.Sublime: of outstanding spiritual, intellectual, or moral worth.
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- Author Rachel Klein
If I know something, I am not a victim. Victims don't know the meaning of their suffering. I am an enemy or a collaborator, not a victim.
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- Author Rachel Klein
Voor iedereen die zich afvraagt of het mogelijk is de puberteit te overleven, is een bevestigend antwoord de enige geruststelling die ik kan geven.
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- Author Rachel Klein
Why should I be sad? Everyone has to die. If you have a body, it’s too late to cry. It’s only funerals I can’t stand.
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- Author Rachel Klein
If I know something, I am not a victim. Victims don’t know the meaning of their suffering. I am an enemy or a collaborator, not a victim.
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