13 Quotes by Raine Maida

  • Author Raine Maida
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    We're being not overprotective but special, and careful, about it because it is special. We don't want it to get lost in the shuffle of the Christmas (rush). We want everything to be right, whether it's the artwork or the title. We're quite precious about it, but I think that's good.

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  • Author Raine Maida
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    When you're a brand new band, there's a tingly sort of feeling you get when you play a song that you just wrote.

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  • Author Raine Maida
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    When I look back over my career, there was so much stress. And it was because of the business. It was always because of the business.

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  • Author Raine Maida
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    If that's all it does, is get you slightly interested, it's a step in the right direction. I think the band has always walked that line between earnest and incredibly pretentious. I've definitely been guilty of both. On this record we tried to fall on the earnest side.

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  • Author Raine Maida
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    I think the CD has this great mood. It projects this positive tone which is something that, when you're in the midst of talking about the places that I've visited, or that Sam and Eric and War Child go to and have projects in, it's dark. It's like unspeakable sadness in these places, but then to have music that is very warm, maybe even forgiving is a good way to say it, it's a very healthy thing.

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  • Author Raine Maida
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    'Adbusters' is my favourite reading material, so as soon as you go there, the synapses start firing in a different way. You start taking on things that sometimes I feel are out of our control. That's what basically fuels my creative side.

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  • Author Raine Maida
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    I love it. Please compare us to U2 rather than some (crap) band. We're not U2, but if the guitar makes you do that, then God bless you.

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  • Author Raine Maida
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    When you sit down and play your music for someone you respect, you get that feeling in your stomach of like: 'Oh my God...' You know if it's not great because you start to feel sick.

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