427 Quotes by Ram Dass
Ram Dass Quotes By Tag
- Author Ram Dass
Remember, awareness is part of the soul. And the soul loves everything.
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- Author Ram Dass
From a personality point of view, you develop judgment, but from the sou's point of view, you develop appreciation.
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- Author Ram Dass
Maharaji, he would tell me repeatedly, “Ram Dass, love everyone and tell the truth.
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- Author Ram Dass
The most exquisite paradox… as soon as you give it all up, you can have it all. As long as you want power, you can't have it. The minute you don't want power, you'll have more than you ever dreamed possible.
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- Author Ram Dass
Prolong not the pastInvite not the futureDo not alter your innate wakefulnessFear not appearancesThere in nothing more than this
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- Author Ram Dass
All acts of healing are ultimately our selves healing our Self. -Ram Dass
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- Author Ram Dass
So we won't take ourselves too seriously. Because taking something serious doesn't make it go away any faster. In fact, it keeps making it a little bit worse.
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- Author Ram Dass
The eyes of a saint are always concentrated on the Supreme Self. The minute he is aware of himself, sainthood is lost. – Neem Karoli Baba
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