5 Quotes by Randi Pink
- Author Randi Pink
The shocking death of a loved one isn't a wailing thing. The real shudder comes from the world moving on as if nothing's happened. Shops flip their Closed signs to Open, patrons gather at the theaters and soda shops, and people dare smile at things that make them happy, while those left in the ruins find joy in nothing.
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- Author Randi Pink
Black skin was filled with so many barriers, so many restrictions, so many.
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- Author Randi Pink
Greenwood chipped in to help prop up Isaiah's household. He, therefore, was quietly indepted to them all, even his best friend. Isaiah could never show himself as he truly was on the inside. He could only acquiesce and get through the day.
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- Author Randi Pink
While I was asking God to change me, he was utilising what he was born with to conquer all things.
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- Author Randi Pink
No, worse, the one that fights members of its own army: dark-skinned against light-skinned, uppity against inner city, good hair against bad hair;.
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