16 Quotes by Ranty McRanterson

Ranty McRanterson Quotes By Tag

  • Author Ranty McRanterson
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    The ancient Athenians were determined to free the people from the plutocrats. Now freedom has been replaced by freedumb, and the only freedom the people have is to choose this consumer item rather than that one. Whatever one they choose, they make the rich richer, and the boot on their neck grows ever more forceful.

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  • Author Ranty McRanterson
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    Nietzsche viewed morality as an evolving weapon wielded by one group against another for self-interested reasons. There’s no doubt that Nietzsche is correct that no absolute moral code can be established since there is no absolute, objective, unambiguous standard to which to appeal, and upon which everyone would agree. However, rational morality at least gives us a framework to which all rational people can subscribe, and that’s as good as it can ever get.

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  • Author Ranty McRanterson
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    The cosmos stands amazed at just how dumb Planet Dumb is. With an uncanny talent for error, humanity has at every crossroads taken the wrong path. Humanity is the species guaranteed to choose wrongly. What else would you expect in a Dunning-Kruger world? Ignorance reigns supreme. Everyone is part of the Dumbageddon Conspiracy.

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  • Author Ranty McRanterson
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    If karma were true then with seven billion people on this planet, all learning their karmic lessons, we would notice a definite improvement in the morality with every passing year. Well, have you noticed the world getting better? Isn’t it in fact in a terrible state, and getting worse? If anything, we seem to be subject to anti-karma … good deeds get punished, evil is rewarded, and no one learns their lessons!

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