12 Quotes by Robert L. Moore

  • Author Robert L. Moore
  • Quote

    Our egos are the the chair of the board. And the board members are the archetypes within us. Each needs to be heard from. Each needs to stand on its own and provide its input. But the whole person under the supervision of the Ego needs to make the final decision in our lives.

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  • Author Robert L. Moore
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    Submission to the power of the mature masculine energies always brings forth a new masculine personality that is marked by calm, compassion, clarity of vision, and generativity.

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  • Author Robert L. Moore
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    This longing to commit a madness stays with us throughout our lives. Who has not, when standing with someone by an abyss or high up on a tower, had a sudden impulse to push the other over? And how is it that we hurt those we love although we know that remorse will follow? Our whole being is nothing but a fight against the dark forces within ourselves. To live is to war with trolls in heart and soul. To write is to sit in judgment on oneself. – Henrik Ibsen.

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  • Author Robert L. Moore
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    He is emotionally distant as long as he is in the Warrior. This does not mean that the man accessing the Warrior in his fullness is cruel, just that he does not make his decisions and implement them out of emotional relatedness to anyone or anything except his ideal.

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  • Author Robert L. Moore
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    How does the man accessing the Warrior know what aggressiveness is appropriate under the circumstances? He knows through clarity of thinking, through discernment. The warrior is always alert. He is always awake. He is never sleeping through life. He knows how to focus his mind and his body. He is what the samurai called “mindful.” He is a “hunter” in the Native American tradition.

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  • Author Robert L. Moore
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    We can only admire others if we have a sense of our own worthiness, and a developing sense of security about our own creative energies.

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  • Author Robert L. Moore
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    This means that he has an unconquerable spirit, that he has great courage, that he is fearless, that he takes responsibility for his actions, and that he has self-discipline. Discipline means that he has the rigor to develop control and mastery over his mind and over his body, and that he has the capacity to withstand pain, both psychological and physical.

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