12 Quotes by Rosie Blythe

  • Author Rosie Blythe
  • Quote

    If you eat healthily most of the time you can afford to indulge yourself occasionally, but if you eat nothing but junk, you’ll end up not being able to run for a bus without huffing like a steam train. (The only drawback to being super-fit is that centring your life around your quinoa intake and yoga classes often results in an overdose of smugness which may cause your social circle to shrink.)

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  • Author Rosie Blythe
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    If your attached friends are bugging you about being single (favourite accusation: “You’re too picky!”) turn it around on them. “Do you know any gorgeous single men I could meet?” (This could backfire if they’re keen to set you up and their idea of “gorgeous” is vastly different from yours. And it will be.) Alternatively, be super-sweet and tell them you’re waiting for your ideal partner “just like you did”. (It won’t work if you snigger at this point.)

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  • Author Rosie Blythe
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    If your confidence is based purely on the way you look, you’re setting yourself up for a) years of fretting about how to appear perfect, and b) anxiety / despair as the wrinkles inevitably set in. (Not to mention the fact that the world is FULL of pretty girls – you’re going to have to dig a little bit deeper if you want to stand out in the crowd.) Base your self-belief on what’s in your heart and mind; you’ll never lose your inner beauty.

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  • Author Rosie Blythe
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    A Princess has beautiful manners no matter who she’s dealing with. She would never stoop to being brusque when giving a burger order, or shouting at the barista who forgot her syrup shot. When we behave like true Princesses, people enjoy serving us, because they’re more likely to get a sympathetic smile instead of a complaint about the long wait.

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  • Author Rosie Blythe
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    As long as you wear clothes you love, which suit your body and your personality, it won’t matter if you’re wearing a dress that was in vogue five years ago; you’ll still look amazing. Also, somebody has to START new trends, and that somebody could be you.

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  • Author Rosie Blythe
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    Lovely as it would be to live off a trust fund and have nothing more taxing to think about than where your next hot stone massage was coming from, it's essential for all human beings to have a purpose. There's no honour in boasting “I don't work, dahling...” If you're not stretching yourself, discovering where your gifts lie, expressing your creativity, or enriching the lives of others, what are you for?

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  • Author Rosie Blythe
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    Unforgettable experiences are generally worth splurging on; unlike stuff, memories don’t wear out (or take up space, get dusty, break, or get stolen). If you really want to go and work at an orangutan orphanage in Borneo, it will be worth the cash.

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  • Author Rosie Blythe
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    When it comes to the way you present yourself online, the acid test is: Can you imagine Grace Kelly doing it? If you can picture her saying “Dem hos betta watch out imma beat some ass tonite”, then congratulations, you have a much better imagination than mine. Likewise, if you can’t quite see her posting a snapshot of herself drunkenly pole-dancing, think twice about broadcasting those pictures to the world.

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  • Author Rosie Blythe
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    We talk about wanting to change the world, and we often picture this as a lofty goal reached only by superstars, politicians and billionaires. The truth is, no matter where you are or what you’re doing, you’re making a difference just by existing. Every action you carry out will either make the universe a better place or a worse one.

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