5 Quotes by Rowling

  • Author Rowling
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    I think the only reason I never lost my mind is that I knew I was innocent. That wasn't a happy thought, so the dementors couldn't suck it out of me...but it kept me sane and knowing who I am...helped me keep my powers...

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  • Author Rowling
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    In every shining moment of happiness is that drop of poison: the knowledge that pain will come again.

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  • Author Rowling
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    То був найпонуріший, найнеприємніший туалет, до якого коли-небудь заходив Гаррі.

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  • Author Rowling
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    Lily’s smile was widest of all. She pushed her long hair back as she drew close to him, and her green eyes, so like his, searched his face hungrily, as though she would never be able to look at him enough.“You’ve been so brave.”He could not speak. His eyes feasted on her, and he thought that he would like to stand and look at her forever, and that would be enough.

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  • Author Rowling
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    I'm worth twelve of you, Malfoy.

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