19 Quotes by Ryan Landry

  • Author Ryan Landry
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    Art must be a part of one's life. Ignore the filthy works trumpeted as art by our cultural mandarins. That is art that reflects our chaos and decay. It is art for a junk society. It is not for you. You seek truth and beauty. Are you an artist? Do you have talent? Even if long since practiced, bring back your talents. Practice again. Even an amateur can produce works that bring light to friends and family.

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  • Author Ryan Landry
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    In the realm of love, there is a difference between the man who falls hard for a woman and the man who chases love, giving his own at the slightest return. Both love. Both can be passionate. One is a man who is himself and has found a person with whom he can transcend the mundane. The other is a man who has crafted a persona to emulate some contrived role.

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  • Author Ryan Landry
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    The man who brings flowers to his woman every week walks into a trap of his own making. The week that he forgets will be the one she never will. The man who never gets his woman flowers leaves open a powerful possibility. The week that he does will be the one she will always remember. There is no sense in being a harmless rabbit, even if it is your nature. She wants a mysterious or dangerous animal who can show clemency and make an exception for her benefit.

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  • Author Ryan Landry
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    Women are drawn to men who take risks. Not simply in the cultural memes of men on motorcycles, but in the scientific proof of their attraction to men with facial scars. The scars signal risk-taking, proof that the man survived a challenge and maybe even left a foe for the worse.

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  • Author Ryan Landry
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    A man knows that to learn means more than to simply ask questions. It means more than reading one book. It means more than a simple search on a phone. A man knows to question the veracity of claims and to seek pure truth. Armed not just with the truth, but with a drive and method for discovering the truth, a man can trust his judgment. If a man can trust his judgment, he can trust himself to be a fair judge of other men. From there, he can lead.

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  • Author Ryan Landry
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    The nominal father dare not tell his daughter to show restraint and guard her honor. No, he feels like a good father while allowing a 14-year-old to date and play the field. He acquiesces despite having noticed the poor romantic decisions of his sisters, aunts, and friends. The father has abdicated,the throne sits empty. The role is still required, but no one performs it, leading to chaos.

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  • Author Ryan Landry
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    How many children are spoiled and grow to be incapable adults because a father could not say no? The child given everything melts down in adulthood when they meet the grinder of reality. Strategic nos would have saved them future pain. If a child melts down, remove the child from the room. The child may say,“I don't love you anymore."Answer, "Good for you." Be sure to remind them of that statement the next hour or day when they do declare their love for you.

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  • Author Ryan Landry
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    A man must harness his emotions and not just be running for approval from one person to the next or running for love from one woman to the next. A man who sorts himself out, harnesses truth, and develops his character becomes the man who may fall hard for a good woman but notthe man who chases love.

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  • Author Ryan Landry
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    Eloquence is a skill to work on, and it starts with simply overcoming apprehension and nervousness when speaking to a stranger. If you have been honing your skills and knowledge in different areas, you should be confident when speaking about them. The medium is the message, so the well-put-together man speaking eloquently about his passion or beliefs is a man that will entice others to follow him.

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