19 Quotes by Ryan Landry

  • Author Ryan Landry
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    At the heart of it,all men understand that they are born alone and without purpose. Men make their purpose. A woman is born and quickly learns that she is a cherished vessel for the next generation. Built in meaning and purpose is within her grasp. She can grow life, give birth to living being who will love her. This is her power, and in our chaotic societ any man can help her make this happen. Her power to create is godlike.

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  • Author Ryan Landry
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    Look around you at the groups that thrive and grow even in this age of chaos. There is a common trait to them.They police their borders and behavior of members. There is a cost to defecting and bucking the norms and mores. They say no to bad behavior. They shame behavior detrimental to the group's stability and continuity because they know that the group provides identity and a sense of purpose and belonging.

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  • Author Ryan Landry
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    There is no longer any outlet for officially sanctioned righteous violence. A fighting man would go to prison for defending his hometown against drug dealers or patrolling the border to shoot interlopers, and he would get a longer sentence if the court considered it a hate crime.

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  • Author Ryan Landry
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    What good did all the surveillance technology do for te victim? Where is the victim's father? Where is his agency? What is his power and influence? Where is his circle of family and friends? The perpetrator has a family. In days of old, this would have been settled by the families. Instead, the pity social media post goes up, dad buys his kid a toy, and the world moves on. A familial act of justice would prevent the next stomping for another child, but that is barbaric.

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  • Author Ryan Landry
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    No one is coming to save you. You can assume the mantle of authority in your life. Build a life around you and it becomes your realm. A moment of crisis or confrontation may endanger you or a loved one. Do you have that spark to react and defend your honor and territory? Have you lived so that others know what stakes you are willing to risk for your honor and loved ones? In these times, confrontations can come from anywhere. There is no order, so chaos begets more chance for disputes.

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  • Author Ryan Landry
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    These women do not stop to ponder the consequences of their claims to be playing with the boys. They do not consider the full male experience, but cosplay the particular parts the system wants them to play. She works hard for the corporation. She has meaningless sex. She acts tough. She isn't afraid to fight. She then wonders why women are depressed more, committing suicide more often, and why one in four are on mental medication.

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  • Author Ryan Landry
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    A man of physical strength can destroy his enemies. A man of mental strength can outwit his enemies. Men of strength, whether mental or physical, are men at their fullest potential. These men striving for the peak of physical aesthetics will attract followers. No one follows a weak, soft man. Men seek an iron will and iron physique. Like iron, your training is born of study, fire, and hammering. You pound and beat your body to mold it into the proper form to strike at a decadent world.

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  • Author Ryan Landry
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    The weekend spent on the hunt for a wild animal for the potential to enjoy meals won with hard work is a crude fall pastime. In their eyes, eating processed food and watching steroided up semi-literates collide with one another is superior. “It is barbaric," they text you from their device made with materials collected by African child labor in mines while wearing shoes made in Asian sweatshops.

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  • Author Ryan Landry
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    Fight or flight. Fight or submit. Defend territory. Defend your loved ones. Defend honor. Defend yourself. These are the patterns. A failure to defend any of these is a failure to perform the basic duties of man.Did anyone even teach you how to throw a punch? Teach the young this basic skill.

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