16 Quotes by Shion Miura

  • Author Shion Miura
  • Quote

    A dictionary is a ship that crosses the sea of words,” said Araki, with a sense that he was laying bare his innermost soul. “People travel on it and gather the small points of light floating on the dark surface of the waves. They do this in order to tell someone their thoughts accurately, using the best possible words. Without dictionaries, all any of us could do is linger before the vastness of the deep.

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  • Author Shion Miura
  • Quote

    Awakening to the power of words – the power not to hurt others but to protect them, to tell them things, to form connections with them – had taught her to probe her own mind and inclined her to make allowances for other people’s thoughts and feelings.

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  • Author Shion Miura
  • Quote

    What’s your hobby, Majime?” Nishioka boldly asked, searching for a friendly overture. A bit of wood ear mushroom was sticking out of a corner of Majime’s mouth. He swallowed it and considered the question before answering. “If I had to pick something, I guess it would be watching people get on the escalator.

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  • Author Shion Miura
  • Quote

    Gathering a huge number of words together with as much accuracy as possible was like finding a mirror without distortion. The less distortion in the word-mirror, the greater chance that when you opened up to someone and revealed your inner self, your feelings and thoughts would be reflected there with clarity and depth. You could look together in the mirror and laugh, weep, get angry.

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  • Author Shion Miura
  • Quote

    Words and the human heart that creates them are absolutely free, with no connection to the powers that be.

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  • Author Shion Miura
  • Quote

    If she even so much as smiled at him, he would be thrilled to death. This was no mere figure of speech: having never gotten much exercise, Majime had little faith in his cardiovascular system and was not sure that his heart could withstand the impact of a Kaguya smile.

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  • Author Shion Miura
  • Quote

    A dictionary is a repository of human wisdom not because it contains an accumulation of words but because it embodies true hope, wrought over time by indomitable spirits.

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