108 Quotes by Spencer Johnson
- Author Spencer Johnson
Haw realized he had been held captive by his own fear. Moving in a new direction had freed him.
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- Author Spencer Johnson
Be in The Present; Learn from The Past; and Help Create The Future.
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- Author Spencer Johnson
Haw smiled. He knew Hem was wondering, “Who moved my cheese?” but Haw was wondering, “Why didn’t I get up and move with the Cheese, sooner?” As.
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- Author Spencer Johnson
Sometimes, Hem, things change and they are never the same again. This looks like one of those times. That’s life! Life moves on. And so should we.
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- Author Spencer Johnson
You Cannot Always Control External Events, But You Can Control Your Personal Peaks And Valleys By What You Believe And What You Do.
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- Author Spencer Johnson
Only one hand went up. “Well, it looks like we’ve got one honest person in our group!” she said. And then continued, “Maybe you’ll like this next question better. How many here think other people are afraid of change?” Practically everyone raised their hands. Then they all started laughing.
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- Author Spencer Johnson
He asked himself those some questions too many times and felt the fears again that kept him where he was.
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- Author Spencer Johnson
Even before he found what he hoped would be a great supply of New Cheese, if ever, he knew that what made him happy wasn’t just having Cheese. He was happy when he wasn’t being run by his fear. He liked what he was doing now.
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- Author Spencer Johnson
Remember: Move with the Cheese! Ken.
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