5 Quotes by Stephen Jenner

  • Author Stephen Jenner
  • Quote

    Hell, if someome wrote a book about you, well, it'd sell a million copies the day it was released. And if someone else was clever enough to write a parody - you know, to privide som comic relief during these extremely difficult economic times - that would probably be an even bigger seller, or at least it shoud be. So, just come clean with me, Ed. Your secret's safe with me, and whoever reads my internet blog. You...are...a...vampire!

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  • Author Stephen Jenner
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    I like pancakes! And I have a gun. I shoot bad guys with it. Sometimes, bad guys go to sleep and don't wake up. That makes Harley sad.

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  • Author Stephen Jenner
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    As you wish. But I'd like to change the pace a little. You know, my throat is sore from talking so much. So, what would you think if I tell you about the Sullens through interpretive dance? Honestly, I'm quite good at it, and I usually charge admission, or at the very least ask for a box of treats. But for you, tonight's performance it's on the house.

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  • Author Stephen Jenner
  • Quote

    Hell, if someome wrote a book about you, well, it’d sell a million copies the day it was released. And if someone else was clever enough to write a parody – you know, to privide som comic relief during these extremely difficult economic times – that would probably be an even bigger seller, or at least it shoud be. So, just come clean with me, Ed. Your secret’s safe with me, and whoever reads my internet blog. You... are... a... vampire!

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  • Author Stephen Jenner
  • Quote

    As you wish. But I’d like to change the pace a little. You know, my throat is sore from talking so much. So, what would you think if I tell you about the Sullens through interpretive dance? Honestly, I’m quite good at it, and I usually charge admission, or at the very least ask for a box of treats. But for you, tonight’s performance it’s on the house.

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