22 Quotes by Stephen Poplin

  • Author Stephen Poplin
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    We are navigating through the unconscious, and this brings us to the occult, something hidden, secret and “difficult to understand.” When things bog down, it is time for something else. Therapists need to have a variety of methods and perspectives ready. For example, dysfunctional families create a lot of confusion, havoc and pain. Interlopers, straw men and false gods have usurped the soul's central position — and oftentimes therapists have a chess game on their hands.

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  • Author Stephen Poplin
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    I am constantly looking for signs; from subtle changes in eye movement and breathing to a wild bird singing just outside the window during a session. Synchronicity, or synchronous events, not coincidences, are communicating. Inside and outside, within and without … All have meaning.

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  • Author Stephen Poplin
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    The ancient Greeks enjoyed colors and it is assumed that they painted their statues. One can still see today small deposits of colors in classical statues. More than a thousand years later the Renaissance sculptors copied the ancient statues, leaving off the colors. I find that symbolic and telling; what else have we copied from the past, leaving off the colors, nuances, or even the essential meanings?

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  • Author Stephen Poplin
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    That spirit or spark that we each have is a vibratory echo or pure essence, recorded on the akashic records, that always accompanies us and thus serves as the intuitive reminder that we are learning and evolving, as well as this urge to merge with the Divine. The spirit recognizes the similar vibration of God or The One and becomes more animated and exuberant in its presence, oftentimes awakening the feeling that we are Home.

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  • Author Stephen Poplin
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    We are all on a life journey, a personal sojourn. Many people believe this one brief "strut across the stage" of life is it. Once dead, that's the end of the story. Not so. The soul lives on. We could take this all on faith – and many religions tell us to do just that, but how much better would it be to discover one's own spiritual odyssey for one's self.

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  • Author Stephen Poplin
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    Our Soul incarnates and, over thousands of years, has many lives, and thus personalities. As an analogy, one could say that our past lives are siblings to us, and the Soul is the parent. One could then say that the Spirit Guide is the god-parent. Our soul groups are our spiritual families; and we are all striving to get back to the One, the ultimate merging into unity, merging towards the One - and we are doing this together. Well, that is the plan anyway!

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  • Author Stephen Poplin
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    When not through external events, spirit communicates “internally” via symbols and signs. Symbolic language, like music, is universal and crosses beyond the limitations of verbal and written languages. It is a divine communication. Essentially, the Spirit is using All means necessary to inspire us and to get our attention – not an easy task in the material world of sights, sounds, online messages, TV and movies - and commercialism!

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  • Author Stephen Poplin
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    From time to time I have come across personalities stuck in dilemmas. They were so enmeshed into the pain or drama that even death did not ease the pain. Ghosts are earthbound, with some issue or trouble holding them down. Surprisingly, sometimes this wayward journey was experienced before and after death.

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