255 Quotes by Svetlana Alexievich
- Author Svetlana Alexievich
I asked everyone I met what 'freedom' meant. Fathers and children had very different answers. Those who were born in the USSR and those born after its collapse do not share a common experience - it's like they're from different planets. For the fathers, freedom is the absence of fear;[...] For the children: freedom is love; inner freedom is an absolute value. Freedom is when you're not afraid of your own desires;
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- Author Svetlana Alexievich
Atârnați tăblițe deasupra mormintelor, ciopliți în piatră că totul a fost degeaba! Spuneți-le asta și morților!...
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- Author Svetlana Alexievich
I remembered some lines from the papers: our nuclear stations are absolutely safe, we could build one on Red Square, they're safer than samovars. They're like stars and we'll "light" the whole earth with them.
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- Author Svetlana Alexievich
Los hombres nunca están a la altura de los grandes acontecimientos. Siempre les superan los hechos.
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- Author Svetlana Alexievich
At that time my notions of nuclear power were utterly idyllic. At school and at the university we'd been taught that this was a magical factory that made "energy out of nothing," where people in white robes sat and pushed buttons. Chernobyl blew up when we weren't prepared.
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- Author Svetlana Alexievich
Me gustaría escribir un libro sobre un hombre que no dispara, un hombre incapaz de disparar a otro ser humano, un hombre a quien el mero pensamiento de la guerra le causara dolor. ¿Dónde está ese hombre? No lo he encontrado.
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- Author Svetlana Alexievich
Fino a quando continueremo a porre sempre questa nostra eterna domanda: di chi è la colpa? Vostra, tua, loro? Il problema è un altro. Ѐ nella scelta che dipende da ciascuno di noi: sparare o non sparare, tacere o non tacere, andarci o non andarci... Bisogna interrogare se stessi su ogni questione... Ma ci manca quest'abitudine a rientrare in noi stessi, a tornare nel nostro profondo.
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- Author Svetlana Alexievich
¿Ahora le permiten escribir sobre estas cosas? Antes estaba prohibido...
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- Author Svetlana Alexievich
When I see a garden in flower, then I believe in God for a second. But not the rest of the time
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