40 Quotes by Sydney Brenner

Sydney Brenner Quotes By Tag

  • Author Sydney Brenner
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    He told me that Francis Crick and Jim Watson had solved the structure of DNA, so we decided to go across to Cambridge to see it. This was in April of 1953.

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  • Author Sydney Brenner
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    Living most of the time in a world created mostly in one's head, does not make for an easy passage in the real world.

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  • Author Sydney Brenner
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    In my second year, after moving to the Medical School, I began the courses of Anatomy and Physiology. I had begun to see that I was interested in cells and their functions.

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  • Author Sydney Brenner
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    So that's when I saw the DNA model for the first time, in the Cavendish, and that's when I saw that this was it. And in a flash you just knew that this was very fundamental.

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  • Author Sydney Brenner
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    I set up a laboratory in the Department of Physiology in the Medical School in South Africa and begin to try to find a bacteriophage system which we might use to solve the genetic code.

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  • Author Sydney Brenner
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    I also became interested in chemistry and gradually accumulated enough test tubes and other glassware to do chemical experiments, using small quantities of chemicals purchased from a pharmacy supply house.

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  • Author Sydney Brenner
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    I lived at home and I cycled every morning to the railway station to travel by train to Johannesburg followed by a walk to the University, carrying sandwiches for my lunch and returning in the evening the same way.

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  • Author Sydney Brenner
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    The moment I saw the model and heard about the complementing base pairs I realized that it was the key to understanding all the problems in biology we had found intractable - it was the birth of molecular biology.

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