19 Quotes by Thomas Hoving
Thomas Hoving Quotes By Tag
- Author Thomas Hoving
I have heard of you- a kind of revolutionary. Hard to be a revolutionary in the deadly museum business.
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- Author Thomas Hoving
Utopia would mean a park - some large, some small - every four or five blocks.
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- Author Thomas Hoving
If you don't work yourself up into a fever of greed and covetousness in an art museum, you're just not doing the job.
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- Author Thomas Hoving
Great art should be shown with great excitement.
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- Author Thomas Hoving
No matter how hard I tried to popularize, I never cheapened a great work of art.
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- Author Thomas Hoving
Parks are works of art just as a painting or sculpture is.
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- Author Thomas Hoving
The 'Artful Tommy' will never change - and perhaps shouldn't.
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- Author Thomas Hoving
My address book of dealers and private collectors, smugglers and fixers, agents, runners and the peculiar assortment of art hangers-on was longer than anyone else's in the field.
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- Author Thomas Hoving
My heavily-cleverly disguised low self-regard manifested itself in my constant showing off, my addiction for publicity, and my intolerable 'me-me-me' attitudes and actions. But it's done, isn't it? And no one can really change, can they? And, hey, it has been a lot of fun being the life-long irresponsible, snarky, nasty art scamp.
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