33 Quotes by Timothy S. Lane
- Author Timothy S. Lane
The Christian life is a state of thankful discontent or joyful dissatisfaction. That is, I live every day thankful for the grace that has changed my life, but I am not satisfied. Why not? Because, when I look at myself honestly, I have to admit that I am not all I can be in Christ. I am thankful for the many things in my life that would not be there without his grace, but I will not settle for a partial inheritance!
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- Author Timothy S. Lane
Your relationships will take you beyond the boundaries of your normal strength. Encouragement gives struggling people eyes to see the unseen Christ.
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- Author Timothy S. Lane
Talk like an ambassador (Eph 4:29-30). 1)Consider the person ("only what is helpful for building others up")2) Consider the problem ("according to their needs")3) Consider the process ("that it may benefit those who listen")
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- Author Timothy S. Lane
In God's plan, our quest for personal identity is meant to drive us back to him as Creator so that we find our meaning and purpose in him.When we live out a sense of who we are IN CHRIST we live our lives based on all we have been given by Christ. This keeps us from seeking to get those things from the people and situations around us. Much of the disappointments and heartache we experience is the result of our attempts to get something from relationships that we already have in Christ.
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- Author Timothy S. Lane
Every good relationship we have is a gift of God's grace. Left to ourselves, nothing good would happen. Our problem has everything to do with sin and our potential has everything to do with Christ. Sin always draws towards self-interest. It is possible that even in our most altruistic moments are driven by what we get out of them
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- Author Timothy S. Lane
If you look for God in your relationships, you will always find things to be thankful for. When God reigns in our hearts, peace reigns in our relationships. This work will only be complete in heaven but there is much we can enjoy now.
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- Author Timothy S. Lane
If our heart’s foundation is solid, based on God’s truth, design, and purpose for us, we will be able to build healthy, God-honoring relationships even though we are flawed people living in a broken world. By contrast, broken community is always the result of broken foundations.
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- Author Timothy S. Lane
Good relationships are built on a solid foundation. Without this foundation, no amount of hard work will make your relationships what God intended them to be.
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- Author Timothy S. Lane
He uses the difficult seasons in our relationships to allow us to see what we typically live for besides him.
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