5 Quotes by Tom Van Grieken

  • Author Tom Van Grieken
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    There is a reason why there is no more Inca culture: there are no more Incas. You need the bearer of a culture. If there are no Flemish, there will be no more Flemish culture.

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  • Author Tom Van Grieken
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    We believe that there are only two sexes, men and women. It must be terrible for a man to be trapped in a woman’s body, but that does not mean that whoever defines himself as a woman, even if he is biologically a man, should go and shower with the women or play football with the women, That is a trend in society that my party does not agree with.

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  • Author Tom Van Grieken
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    There is a fundamental problem with one placing the word of Allah above civil law, just as there is a problem with not recognizing the separation of church and state. I'm not going to be so naughty and say that a Muslim can never be Flemish, everyone has to decide that for themselves. But I think Islam is not compatible with our Flemish identity.

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