19 Quotes by Tony D'Souza

  • Author Tony D'Souza
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    I'm sorry that I hurt you.""You didn't hurt me." There was a long pause on the phone. Then she said,"You are going to hurt from this longer than I ever will. It's true that I didn't know what kind of Indian you were. But what hurts me most is to know what kind of man.

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  • Author Tony D'Souza
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    The only proof of God in the world was color. Everything would have worked the same without it. So why would the world have been made so full of color if there wasn't a God?

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  • Author Tony D'Souza
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    Of course you are American,' he said, and waived his hand, like waving away the sentiment. 'What other country can throw away money sending its people to live with savages?

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  • Author Tony D'Souza
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    Whole villages of Muslims had been hacked to pieces by drunken Christian youth, and as foreigners, we should have been pulled out by the organization. But the U.S. government supported the Christian tribes, just as the French had all through the colonial days, and to pull us out would have meant admitting that things weren't as stable for their puppet government as the western companies, trading in Ivory Coast for cocoa, rubber, and timber, and selling Coke and cigarettes, wanted to hear.

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  • Author Tony D'Souza
  • Quote

    The only proof of God in the world was color. Everything would have worked the same without it. So why would the world have been made so full of color if there wasn’t a God?

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