49 Quotes by Torron-Lee Dewar
- Author Torron-Lee Dewar
An entire universe of various planets exist, embracing their own science, and they too could bear other lifeforms. It's a pity humans are too occupied in their own ventures to think about that for a second.
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- Author Torron-Lee Dewar
Scientists on Earth often base their theories of other planets based on our science. There are things we don't yet understand about the universe. Our science isn't universal. Further knowledge can never be accessed with a closed mindset.
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- Author Torron-Lee Dewar
The pressure of following traditions blindly only resorts in one not being able to experience their most vivid prospects.
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- Author Torron-Lee Dewar
Staying within the fictional confinements of race and other stereotypical clichés keep us imprisoned. Individuality unearths life's true gems.
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- Author Torron-Lee Dewar
One day, all of those promises and wishful thoughts won't be attainable. The time really is now.
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- Author Torron-Lee Dewar
Creativity is everything.
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- Author Torron-Lee Dewar
Life is like a boardgame. Advancing forward is the key.
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- Author Torron-Lee Dewar
Just because everyone else does, it doesn't mean you have to. Break the repetitive cycle and excel beyond the norm.
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- Author Torron-Lee Dewar
Too much thought into the process kills innovation and at times, the outcome altogether.
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