30 Quotes by Tosca Lee

  • Author Tosca Lee
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    Più di tutto, avrei voluto dirgli che volevo restare, perché non avevo altro luogo in cui andare, né persona o cosa a cui rivolgermi in questo mondo, né altre risposte se non quelle che lui poteva darmi; che avevo pregato perché mi offrisse le risposte che cercavo, perché se non lo avesse fatto lui, non avrei saputo dove altro cercarle

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  • Author Tosca Lee
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    «Vieni con me, Giuda», ripeté. «Troverai ciò che stai cercando». In quel momento, gli credetti. Gli credetti con tutto il cuore

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  • Author Tosca Lee
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    «Tu mi ami, Giuda?», mi chiese Gesù un mattino. Eravamo rimasti tutta la notte fuori a pregare tra le colline. «Con tutto il cuore», risposi, stanco ed esausto. Desideravo disperatamente che tornasse tra noi. Che tornasse a vivere. Che tornasse da me.

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  • Author Tosca Lee
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    A mist crept into the valley—how could this be, by the light of the climbing sun? It drifted over the form in the grass, nearly obscuring it, seeming to draw all sound into itself. I thought I might burst from the strain of that silence... until a single sound shattered it:The gasp of an indrawn breath.

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  • Author Tosca Lee
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    It is harder for queens, who have no luxury of meekness. History does not know how to reconcile our ambition or our power when we are strong enough to survive it. The priests have no tolerance for those of us driven by the divine madness of questions. And so our stories are blackend from the fire of righteous indignation by those who envy our imagined fornications. We become temptresses, harlots, and heretics.I have been all and none of these, depending on who tells the tale.

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  • Author Tosca Lee
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    Not yet," he wailed, as raw as the earth. "But you lay as though already dead, and I cannot go on without you. Do not leave me; do not die!" And I felt a grief from him to melt the mountain ice. Grief to drown in. Grief to both rend my heart and mend it at once.

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  • Author Tosca Lee
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    There is beauty in the world still. Even now. And it's worth saving for that reason alone.

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