20 Quotes by Vannetta Chapman

  • Author Vannetta Chapman
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    When you're completely lost, when you have no idea what comes next or why things are happening, faith is what gets you through. Even if you're not sure what you believe, you keep doing the things you know in your heart are the right things. That is faith, Carter. It's not the absence of questions. It's continuing, day in and day out, in spite of those questions.

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  • Author Vannetta Chapman
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    Hannah was reminded of what her bishop had said to her when she'd spoken to him of her dreams. "Our mind has a way of working out our fears, but God--he has a way of making us a new creature if we let him.

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  • Author Vannetta Chapman
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    He had been the pastor of Tate's church since Tate's boys were in high school--probably over ten years now. Tate thought he was a fair man with a good heart. It helped that his sermons were interesting and not fire and brimstone like the guy they'd had before him. Tate understood too well the repercussions of his sin. He went to church to hear about hope, to be encouraged. That was a thing Mitch seemed naturally born to--encouraging others.

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