281 Quotes by Vironika Tugaleva
Vironika Tugaleva Quotes By Tag
- Author Vironika Tugaleva
Think of a wave: it washes onto the shore, and then it rolls back. Likewise, each of your activities has a backside of stillness. To be with people, you must be alone. To listen, you need silence. To exercise, you need rest. You do not need to inflict rest, silence, or aloneness. You can simply surrender to your existing urges for these essential actions.
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- Author Vironika Tugaleva
There is no way to genuinely, powerfully, truly love yourself while crafting a mask of perfection.
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- Author Vironika Tugaleva
The most dangerous way we sabotage ourselves is by waiting for the perfect moment to begin. Nothing works perfectly the first time, or the first fifty times. Everything has a learning curve. The beginning is just that - a beginning. Surrender your desire to do it flawlessly on the first try. It's not possible. Learn to learn. Learn to fail. Learn to learn from failing. And begin today. Begin now. Stop waiting.
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- Author Vironika Tugaleva
Being passive is not the same as being peaceful. If you aren't doing what you know, in your heart, you want to do, you are NOT going with the flow. You are going against the flow. Your reactions, emotions, desires, and talents are all part of the flow of life. Ignoring them is passive resistance. Let yourself go.
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- Author Vironika Tugaleva
Taking care of yourself isn’t about trying to become perfect. It’s about realizing and honouring,in every moment, thatyou already are.
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- Author Vironika Tugaleva
We throw away real people searching for the "perfect" person the same way that we throw ourselves away searching for our "perfect" self.
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- Author Vironika Tugaleva
No one needs to hit rock bottom to change. And yet so many people do, only because most of us are unskilled in communicating with ourselves.Stress, depression, anxiety, insomnia, headaches, illness ... these are all symptoms of a bigger problem. You're trying to tell yourself something. Loudly.Listen now or listen later. There is no ignoring the call.
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- Author Vironika Tugaleva
Compassion is essential, but it’s not a substitute for self-expression, or self-respect, or self-compassion. Emotional self-care is also essential, but gently soothing our wounds does not replace communicating about them.
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- Author Vironika Tugaleva
By serving humanity, I automatically serve myself.
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