294 Quotes by Vladimir Lenin
Vladimir Lenin Quotes By Tag
- Author Vladimir Lenin
Freedom in capitalist society always remains about the same as it was in ancient Greek republics: Freedom for slave owners.
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- Author Vladimir Lenin
Despair is typical of those who do not understand the causes of evil, see no way out, and are incapable of struggle.
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- Author Vladimir Lenin
Without Revolutionary theory, there can be no Revolutionary Movement.
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- Author Vladimir Lenin
Unity is a great thing and a great slogan. But what the workers’ cause needs is the unity of Marxists, not unity between Marxists, and opponents and distorters of Marxism.
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- Author Vladimir Lenin
Capitalism has triumphed all over the world, but this triumph is only the prelude to the triumph of labour over capital.
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- Author Vladimir Lenin
Peace reigned in Europe, but this was because domination over hundreds of millions of people in the colonies by the European nations was sustained only through constant, incessant, interminable wars, which we Europeans do not regard as wars at all, since all too often they resembled, not wars, but brutal massacres, the wholesale slaughter of unarmed peoples.
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- Author Vladimir Lenin
Those who live by the labor of others are taught by religion to practice charity while on earth, thus offering them a very cheap way of justifying their entire existence as exploiters and selling them at a moderate price tickets to well-being in heaven. Religion is opium for the people. Religion is a sort of spiritual booze, in which the slaves of capital drown their human image, their demand for a life more or less worthy of man.
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- Author Vladimir Lenin
As long as capitalism remains what it is, surplus capital will never be utilised for the purpose of raising the standard of living of the masses in a given country, for this would mean a decline in profits for the capitalists; it will be used for the purpose of increasing those profits by exporting capital abroad to the backward countries.
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- Author Vladimir Lenin
One must always strive to be as radical as reality itself.
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