9 Quotes by Wendy McElroy

  • Author Wendy McElroy
  • Quote

    A coerced choice does not reflect virtue, only compliance.

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  • Author Wendy McElroy
  • Quote

    Voting is not an act of political freedom. It is an act of political conformity. Those who refuse to vote are not expressing silence. They are screaming in the politician’s ear: ‘You do not represent me. This is not a process in which my voice matters. I do not believe you.’

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  • Author Wendy McElroy
  • Quote

    Freedom means self-fulfillment. It also means putting up with other people’s irritating pursuit of the same. It means being confronted by disturbing images and ideas.

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  • Author Wendy McElroy
  • Quote

    Political correctness will die as it lived – kicking and screaming ad hominem abuse as a substitute for arguments.

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  • Author Wendy McElroy
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    It is not the particular man in power that I oppose, but the power itself, which is unjust.

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  • Author Wendy McElroy
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    The problem is not that public schools do not work well, but rather that they do. The first goal and primary function of schools is not to educate good people, but good citizens. It is the function which we normally label state indoctrination.

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  • Author Wendy McElroy
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    As the United Nations pushes for jurisdiction over the globe, it is important to remember how it has acted in Bosnia. The character of an institution, no less than of an individual, is revealed through actions, not words.

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  • Author Wendy McElroy
  • Quote

    By arguing, I mean argumentation rather than a verbal brawl or a meaningless contest in which people one-up each other. An argument is a purposeful exchange with the purpose being to settle or explore an intellectual dispute. The ideal argument is a cooperative venture in which both parties attempt to arrive at the truth. Ideal arguments rarely happen.

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