21 Quotes by Will Willingham
- Author Will Willingham
Brooding does not become a man who is not a writer.
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- Author Will Willingham
Some people get to keep asserting themselves even after they're gone, it seems.
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- Author Will Willingham
Touch has a memory," Will. Your man Keats said that. Did he, now? Will looked up.He did. If it had fit into his poem, I think he would have said taste and smell and sound have a memory, too.Say more.What more is there to say? He said what I've been saying. Aesthetics matter. Place matters. Our senses remember and replay these things back to us, to our fingers, or our nostrils, or our tongues."(Conversation between Will and Joe.)
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- Author Will Willingham
There's much to be said for the circumstances of our experience, Will. The most simple and mundane things can take on deep and memorable dimensions depending on where we are, or with whom, or any number of things. ~ Joe
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- Author Will Willingham
Mr. Phillips! Are you just getting in for the night? And Lord, have mercy! Where are your pants?
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- Author Will Willingham
Poetry could surely slow a guy down.
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- Author Will Willingham
Keats, Mr. Phillips? Am I to believe you were on my roof reading John Keats?
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- Author Will Willingham
Some people get to keep asserting themselves even after they’re gone, it seems.
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- Author Will Willingham
Reading poetry on the page is nice, Will. But it’s not all it could be. Reading it aloud – or hearing it read – gives it another dimension. It’s as though vocalizing the words completes the poem.
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