17 Quotes by William Schulz

  • Author William Schulz
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    Untie the hands of state and federal judges and prosecutors, ... Give them options other than turning the courts into assembly lines that mass produce mandatory life-without-parole sentences for children.

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  • Author William Schulz
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    Many of the countries highlighted in this report have absolutely abysmal records of torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment of detainees. The United States government must do all it can to end the global culture of torture. But real change can only occur if the Bush Administration not only admits that its own policies perpetuate torture and ill treatment, but also cleans house and stops warehousing detainees in countries with shameful human rights records.

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  • Author William Schulz
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    Only the deployment of sufficient numbers of troops with logistical support by UN member states will provide the protection that the civilians so desperately need.

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  • Author William Schulz
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    This report by the U.S. government provides a thorough review of today's human rights practices around the globe, except for one glaring omission -- its own record. The United States government considers itself a moral leader on human rights issues, but its record of indefinite and arbitrary detentions, secret 'black sites' and outsourced torture in the 'war on terror' turns it from leader to human rights violator.

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  • Author William Schulz
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    We ask the Justice Department and the INS to abide by its own standards and by international human rights standards in the treatment of these detainees. To treat detainees inhumanely is to risk breeding hostility and anger against us where before there may have been none.

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  • Author William Schulz
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    We have documented the use of torture and mistreatment, widespread throughout the world. We have documented that the U.S. government is a leading purveyor and practitioner of the odious human rights violation.

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  • Author William Schulz
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    The Security Council should not only explicitly reiterate that there can be no impunity for crimes under international law, but also must decide on concrete action to bring the perpetrators of these crimes to justice.

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  • Author William Schulz
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    Prosecutions of primarily lower-level military personnel create the impression that those on the front lines are the scapegoats for policy set at the top.

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  • Author William Schulz
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    Any nation that is party to the Geneva Conventions ... is obligated under international law to investigate those who are alleged to be involved with the formulation of a policy of torture or with its carrying out,

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