15 Quotes by Willy Brandt
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- Author Willy Brandt
Wo Hunger herrscht, ist auf die Dauer kein Friede.“("Where there is hunger, there cannot be lasting peace.)Speech before the United Nations General Assembly, September 26, 1973
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- Author Willy Brandt
Auch wenn zwei Staaten in Deutschland existieren, sind sie doch füreinander nicht Ausland; ihre Beziehungen zueinander können nur von besonderer Art sein."("Even though two states in Germany exist, they are not foreign countries to each other—their relations with each other can only be of a special kind.")First Inaugural Address as West German Chancellor, October 28, 1969
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- Author Willy Brandt
Wir wollen ein Volk der guten Nachbarn sein und werden, im Innern und nach außen.“("We as a people want to be and become good neighbors, both domestically and abroad.")First Inaugural Address as West German Chancellor, October 28, 1969
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- Author Willy Brandt
Walls in people's heads are sometimes more durable than walls made of concrete blocks.
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- Author Willy Brandt
Jetzt sind wir in einer Situation, in der wieder zusammenwächst, was zusammengehört.“("Now we are in a situation where what belongs together, will grow back together.")Berlin radio interview, November 10, 1989 [the day after the de facto abolition of intra-German border controls by the East German government]
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- Author Willy Brandt
[I]ch habe es noch in diesem Sommer erneut zu Papier gebracht: Berlin wird leben, und die Mauer wird fallen." ("I put it down on paper again in the summer of this year: Berlin will live, and the Wall will come down.")Speech at Rathaus Schöneberg (Berlin City Hall) on November 10, 1989 [the day after the de facto abolition of intra-German border controls by the East German government]
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- Author Willy Brandt
It often takes more courage to change one's opinion than to keep it.
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- Author Willy Brandt
One has to keep in mind the countless human tragedies that played out in these days. Through the middle of a city, where several thousand connections existed daily, despite administrative division, the concrete pillars were driven into the border, which was expanded like a Chinese wall.
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- Author Willy Brandt
You may buy from me in your own language, but sell to me in mine.
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