3 Quotes by Zoë Cayetano
- Author Zoë Cayetano
Money is just simply a tool that exaggerates who you are. If you were already greedy and selfish, you're just going to get even more greedy and selfish with more wealth. On the flip side, if you are already generous and kind, you're just going to get even more generous and kind with it. It is simply a tool that lets you do more–whatever the more is.
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- Author Zoë Cayetano
The size of the wealth pie can get bigger the more value to society you could create. The reality is that everyone has the same opportunity to be rich. Some may face greater challenges than others, but the opportunity is there for everyone to seize.
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- Author Zoë Cayetano
I bought into all of it–to the idea that there is no other way to be rich and successful but to work the hours and slave your life away to a stable job.
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