57 Quotes by Amber Hurdle about Business
- Author Amber Hurdle
Exceptional customer service proactively manages your brand and reactively can turn upset customers into raving fans based on how you handled their complaint.
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- Author Amber Hurdle
Even if you delegate that responsibility, ultimately you are the one responsible for howyour brand is portrayed.
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- Author Amber Hurdle
Never take lightly that becoming an employer puts another person’s ability to provide for their life in your hands.
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- Author Amber Hurdle
Train your new employee properly. Sounds so obvious, and yet it often doesn’t happen.
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- Author Amber Hurdle
Treat your employees like you would want to be treated if you were an employee.
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- Author Amber Hurdle
You’ve got to get your team to not only understand your company brand, but also to understand their personal brand.
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- Author Amber Hurdle
Understanding who isn’t your ideal customer sometimes helps you better clarify who is.
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- Author Amber Hurdle
The thing is, If you try to market to everyone, then you successfully market to no one.
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- Author Amber Hurdle
Your ideal customer should be attracted to the brand that rests on the fabulous culture youcreated, but they don’t have to share your personal interests or have the same lifestyle you do.
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