292 Quotes by Avina Celeste about inspirational

  • Author Avina Celeste
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    Give yourself peace of mind. Sleep well, eat well, and laugh well every day. Let your needs be met in positive and healthy ways that allow your mind to rest. You deserve to feel well. Make your wellness a priority over everything else. If your foundation of life, your wellness, is weak you will find that all other levels in your life are weak as well. Everything in your life depends on how you feel. Prioritize your wellness.

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  • Author Avina Celeste
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    I have the desire, you have the desire, but in what way does our desire manifest? Why are we choosing to let that desire, that energy, fade away without a second thought? We need to be fueling our life with the desire we feel in our hearts, instead of letting that energy to slip away. Use your energy to improve your life, improve the world, improve every little thing that crosses your path. You have the power, all within you, to change every aspect of your life.

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  • Author Avina Celeste
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    Stand up for yourself. Do not let anyone, including yourself, limit your experience of life. That critical voice in your head that tells you that you aren’t good enough has no power over you until you give it power. Use everyone that tells you that can’t as motivation to keep living your life to your highest potential. Concern yourself only with your own self-improvement.

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  • Author Avina Celeste
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    There are some things you can’t control in life; other people's action and unfortunate events can’t be changed no matter how hard we try. There are some things you will always have control over your actions, thoughts, and perspective. Sure, there will always be things we can’t plan for but if we remember our power over ourselves we can overcome our problems in our best possible way. Even when you feel powerless you still have the power of your actions.

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