72 Quotes by Charles Bukowski about poetry
- Author Charles Bukowski
there’s nothing todiscussthere’s nothing torememberthere’s nothing toforgetit’s sadand it’s notsadseems themost sensiblethinga person can doissitwith drink inhandas the wallswavetheir goodbyesmilesone comes throughit allwith a certain amount ofefficiency andbraverythenleavessome acceptthe possibility ofGodto help themgetthroughotherstake itstaight onand to theseI drink tonight.
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- Author Charles Bukowski
as long as there arehuman beings aboutthere is never going to beany peacefor any individualupon this earth (oranywhere elsethey mightescape to).all you can dois maybe grabten lucky minuteshereor maybe an hourthere.somethingis working toward youright now, andI mean youand nobody butyou.
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- Author Charles Bukowski
some moments are nice, some arenicer, some are even worthwritingabout.
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- Author Charles Bukowski
I often stood in front of the mirror alone, wondering how ugly a person could get.
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- Author Charles Bukowski
the worst thing," he told me,"is bitterness, people end up sobitter.
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- Author Charles Bukowski
that your power of commandwith simple language wasone of the magnificent things ofour century.(from the poem: result)
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- Author Charles Bukowski
I paid, got up, walkedto the door, openedit.I heard the mansay, "that guy'snuts."out on the street Iwalked northfeelingcuriouslyhonored.
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- Author Charles Bukowski
she slammed the door andwas gone.I looked at the closed doorand at the doorknoband strangelyI didn't feelalone.
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- Author Charles Bukowski
regret is mostly caused by not havingdone anything.
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