13 Quotes by Craig D. Lounsbrough about lonely
- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
Whatever the depth of our darkness, God navigated it eons before it was dark. And whatever the duration of our nights, God was there long before it ever turned to night. Therefore, despite our frequent feelings to the contrary, there is no place we might be where God was not lovingly waiting for us an eternity before we got there.
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- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
If I’m my biggest fan, the only person in the stadium is probably me.
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- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
If it’s about me, I can be assured that there will be a bunch of empty chairs in the auditorium of my life; save the one I’m sitting in.
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- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
There’s not much that I can find in places where there is nothing to find. However, to avoid facing God I find myself spending a lot of time in those very places.
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- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
Sometimes we must take the most important journey’s in isolation; alone except for the experience itself.
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- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
Fear tells me that while there might be a host of people who wish to stand beside me in times of crisis, the tangled wreckage is sometimes so enormous that the best of their efforts leave them stranded at a great distance. And standing desperately alone surveying the carnage that holds all others a bay, God suddenly taps me on the shoulder, leans over and whispers, 'how about a little demolition?
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- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
Undoubtedly, the loneliest person on the planet is that individual who has successfully lived out their lives making their lives all about their lives. And while that might seem rather sad to most of us, at least they’ll feel that they’re in good company.
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- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
The very places that we presume God not to be are the very places that are filled with His footprints and littered with His fingerprints.
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- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
My fear of standing alone often pressures me to stand with a rather unsavory group that embraces a rather unsettling belief system which leaves me wondering why I left the promises of God for the company of people.
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