57 Quotes by Dada Bhagwan about circumstances

  • Author Dada Bhagwan
  • Quote

    It is due to the inspiration from 'vyavasthit' (result of scientific circumstantial evidences) that the pudgal (non-Self complex) becomes the 'doer'. Outwardly, the pudgal appears to be the 'doer', but that is due to the evidence of 'vyavasthit' and in that too, it can happen only if the Soul (Atma) is present.

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  • Author Dada Bhagwan
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    Circumstances will continue to change. They will not adjust to you; you will have to adjust to them. Circumstances do not have bhaav (inner-intent) and you have bhaav. To make the circumstances favorable is our job. Unfavorable circumstances are indeed favorable. One begins to breathe hard while going up the stairs, and yet why does he climb them? There is the bhaav that he will be able to go up; he will be able to take advantage of what is up there!

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  • Author Dada Bhagwan
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    It is worth knowing the rules of vyavasthit (result of scientific circumstantial evidences). The invention of an aeroplane is not out of rule. In the current time cycle, the [human] lifespan has remained the same while the karmas are numerous in quantity. It is in order to clear these [karmas] that speedy vehicles have emerged. So according to the rules of vyvavasthit, anything can become the evidentiary doer (nimit).

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  • Author Dada Bhagwan
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    When many circumstances come together, one will get food to eat. When many circumstances come together, one will not get food to eat. One does not get food when many more circumstances come together. A greater number of circumstances are needed for an unfavorable situation, and less for favorable situation.

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  • Author Dada Bhagwan
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    Circumstances can be changed through agnan (ignorance of the Self) and they can be changed to gnan (knowledge of the Self). With agnan, circumstances will bring entanglement, and with gnan, the circumstances will bring solutions. Gnan can itself change circumstances. Is god likely ‘to come down’ and do so?

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