17 Quotes by Donna Goddard about Change
- Author Donna Goddard
The country does what the city cannot. It quietens the mind and brings simplicity into one’s life. The city does what the country cannot. It enlivens the mind and brings culture into one’s life.
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- Author Donna Goddard
Even if our life circumstances take a while to reflect our inner decisions, once decisions are made, everything in our life will move in the direction of aligning with that.
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- Author Donna Goddard
The driving motivation of a spiritual teacher is to show that while the extent of human problems is understood, there is a different way of seeing life.
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- Author Donna Goddard
The spiritual path is very practical and relevant. This is particularly so in our personal relationships which have more power to change us than anything else. Every relationship is a lesson in love.
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- Author Donna Goddard
Some people’s words stay inside us and have the power to change us and other people’s words are powerless, no matter how intelligent they may sound.
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- Author Donna Goddard
SILENT LIKE SLEEPYou appear by my side,silent like sleep.Soft hair, a little wild.No fear, gentle like a calm river.I turn and catch your gaze,before you have time to look away.Your eyes are searching inside mine.Perhaps, they ARE mine.More than nakedness,for there is no cover to take.The fire in your eyesis ringed with water; wide and cool.We are far from the brutal place,but you do not think so.You take my handand disappear like you were never there,except that I am now somewhere else.
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- Author Donna Goddard
Relationships are constantly changing. They have to be dealt with every day anew. They are not constant, unchanging entities. You have to pay attention. If things take a turn for the worse then it is painful but it’s a chance to see things differently, a chance to see more. So that is a helpful pain.
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- Author Donna Goddard
We leave situations that are constantly painful or we seriously change them. However, the Greyness is more deceptive than that. It prolongs its lifespan by throwing in occasional light. Those moments give us the illusion of hope; that we can eventually get what we want from the same scenario.
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