13 Quotes by G Swiss about Truth
- Author G Swiss
The most important key to bettering yourself - is just that "yourself" - (g swiss)
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- Author G Swiss
humble pie will keep your company at your table longer.. - (G Swiss)
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- Author G Swiss
surround yourself in a pool of misery and you too shall drown in it - (G Swiss)
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- Author G Swiss
No Matter Your Age Or Date - Its Never Too Late! - (G Swiss)
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- Author G Swiss
Every relation / relationship you will have in your LIFE is not Love - make sure its not just lust - (G Swiss)
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- Author G Swiss
Not having positive outlets only leads to negative roads!" - (G Swiss)
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- Author G Swiss
NEVER let your pride EVER get in the way of possible happiness, oppurtunity or love.. - (G Swiss)
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- Author G Swiss
the true token is understanding the wise words from the wiseman who spoke them to you
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- Author G Swiss
forcing anything and its bound to break or be destroyed quicker than intended! - (G Swiss)
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