4 Quotes by Helen S. Rosenau about avoidance
- Author Helen S. Rosenau
Nobody Home: Until we're ready, we're pretty much primed for denial. Even on the river of change, we're most of us slow rowers.
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- Author Helen S. Rosenau
Russian Dolls: How we hide those parts of ourselves, the ones that we can conceal, is by constructing an elaborate emotional infrastructure not unlike nested Russian dolls. True healing requires going through all the hidden layers.
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- Author Helen S. Rosenau
Nobody Home: With feelings there's no easy con. You're either willing to ante up or you're not. You're either ready to be present with what's happening or you kick the problem into your future
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- Author Helen S. Rosenau
Russian Dolls: One excellent thing about being human is that we're fast learners. When we find a trick that works, we practice it, even if the skill means being better at avoiding karmic homework than facing or resolving it.
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