32 Quotes by Irvin D. Yalom about Psychotherapy

  • Author Irvin D. Yalom
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    The most common secret is a deep conviction of basic inadequacy - a feeling that one is basically incompetent, that one bluffs one's way through life. Next in frequency is a deep sense of interpersonal alienation - that, despite appearances, one really does not, or cannot care for or love another person. The third most frequent category is some variety of sexual secret.

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  • Author Irvin D. Yalom
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    [E]xplanation and clarification function as effective therapeutic agents in their own right. Human beings have always abhorred uncertainty and through the ages have sought to order the universe by providing explanations, primarily religious or scientific. The explanation of a phenomenon is the first step toward its control. If a volcanic eruption is caused by a displeased god, then at least there is hope of pleasing the god.

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  • Author Irvin D. Yalom
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    [P]sychiatric treatments should be directed toward the correction of interpersonal distortions, thus enabling the individual to lead a more abundant life, to participate collaboratively with others, to obtain interpersonal satisfactions in the context of realistic, mutually satisfying interpersonal relationships[.]

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  • Author Irvin D. Yalom
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    There is one true property of romantic love: it never stays - evanescence is a part of the nature of an infatuated love state. But be careful trying to rush its demise. Don't try to joust with love any more than you would with powerful religious beliefs - those are duels you cannot win.

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  • Author Irvin D. Yalom
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    ¿Sabe lo que es saber que, cuando muera, pueden pasar días o semanas sin que se descubra mi cuerpo, antes de que el olor fétido atraiga a algún extraño? Intento consolarme. A veces, cuando me siento más solo, hablo conmigo mismo.No demasiado alto, porque temo mi propio eco vacío.

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  • Author Irvin D. Yalom
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    We humans appear to be meaning-seeking creatures who have had the misfortune of being thrown into a world devoid of intrinsic meaning. One of our major tasks is to invent a meaning sturdy enough to support a life and to perform the tricky maneuver of denying our personal authorship of this meaning. Thus we conclude instead that it was "out there" waiting for us. Our ongoing search for substantial meaning systems often throws us into crises of meaning.

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  • Author Irvin D. Yalom
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    The therapist's worldview is in itself isolating. Seasoned therapists view relationships differently, they sometimes lose patience with social ritual and bureaucracy, they cannot abide the fleeting shallow encounters and small talk of many social gatherings.

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