25 Quotes by Jeff Lindsay about dexter
- Author Jeff Lindsay
I took pride in being the best-dressed monster in Dade County. Yes, certainly, he chopped up that nice Mr. Duarte, but he was so well dressed! Proper clothing for all occasions - by the way, what did one wear to attend an early morning decapitation? A day-old bowling shirt and slacks, naturally. I was à la mode. But aside from this morning's hasty costume, I really was careful. It was one of Harry's lessons: stay neat, dress nicely, avoid attention.
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- Author Jeff Lindsay
At nineteen, I certainly didn't know the answer, although I already knew more about death than most of the other pimple-ridden pudding heads in my sophomore class at the University of Miami.
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- Author Jeff Lindsay
... Dexter the sofa spud ...
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- Author Jeff Lindsay
I smiled at her, my most comforting, challenging, I'm-not-really-a-shark smile.
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- Author Jeff Lindsay
God, it's like I have something, deep down inside of me, that i think is undeserving of love.
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- Author Jeff Lindsay
Lakukan apa yang kau bisa untuk membawa sedikit keceriaan di dunia yang suram ini, dan jika orang-orang menolak usahamu, itu salah mereka.
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- Author Jeff Lindsay
I wanted Dexter to have a family that could love him and understand him.
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