5 Quotes by Michael Bassey Johnson about thought
- Author Michael Bassey Johnson
An introvert talks more than an extrovert because when the mouth is closed, the mind is opened.
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- Author Michael Bassey Johnson
Sitting to think of what to write will only set your ass on fire, give you headache, twist your face to look stupid, instead, walk around with a blank mind and something from somewhere will fill it up.
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- Author Michael Bassey Johnson
Great and pure thoughts cannot be deposited in minds accumulated with rubbish.
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- Author Michael Bassey Johnson
These are the attributes of Bullshit people; they will...blur your imagination, take your endowments for a piece of debris, make you ridiculous, and most importantly, you got to send them to the recycle bin.
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- Author Michael Bassey Johnson
Its really hard to recall the day you became friends with special people.
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