12 Quotes by Nanette Mathews about Awareness
- Author Nanette Mathews
Balance is not always obtainable in every situation, however, we have the option to surrender our control over the desired outcome and live more easily in the present moment . This will result in greater peace of mind.
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- Author Nanette Mathews
Looking for some peace? Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths....That inner connection and peace are always available to you, at any moment.
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- Author Nanette Mathews
Meditation is about mindfulness and learning to strip away the illusion, revealing your authentic self and connectedness to everything and everyone.
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- Author Nanette Mathews
Keep Calm and Find Your Zen-ity
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- Author Nanette Mathews
Sure, I've had times it was hard to meditate....But even then I still end up being more calmly agitated.
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- Author Nanette Mathews
When we're consciously aware, we receive the messages the universe sends to answer us through intuition that could be easily missed if we weren't living in the moment. These messages will guide us to our true path.
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- Author Nanette Mathews
Mindfulness isn't about ridding yourself of thoughts. It's more about being aware and letting those thoughts pass through you, so you can see what if any value they have for you. Thoughts are an illusion but some of them are enlightening.
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- Author Nanette Mathews
If you're always racing to the next moment, what happens to the one you're in? Slow down and enjoy the moment you're in and live your life to the fullest.
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- Author Nanette Mathews
Take your life out of high gear and disengage the autopilot mode. Try living mindfully and avoid the pattern of living in a reactive manner.
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