8 Quotes by Ramana Maharshi about awakening
- Author Ramana Maharshi
Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.
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- Author Ramana Maharshi
Be as you are. (p. 118)
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- Author Ramana Maharshi
(Ramana Maharshi's advice on depression) This depression must be traced to its origin. The origin is the wrong identification of the body with the Self. The disease is not of the Self. It is of the body. But the body does not come and tell you that it is possessed by the disease. It is you who say so. Why? Because you have wrongly identified yourself with the body. The body itself is a thought. Be as you really are. There is no reason to be depressed. (p. 360)
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- Author Ramana Maharshi
The whole universe is only mental. (p. 351)
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- Author Ramana Maharshi
The srutis and the sages say that the objects are only mental creations. They have no substantive being. Investigate the matter and ascertain the truth of this statement. The result will be the conclusion that the objective world is in the subjective consciousness. The Self is thus the only Reality that permeates and also envelops the world. Since there is no duality, no thoughts will arise to disturb your peace. This is Realization of the Self. (p. 382)
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- Author Ramana Maharshi
You are That, here and now. (p. 77)
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- Author Ramana Maharshi
The seat of Realization is within and the seeker cannot find it as an object outside him. That seat is bliss and is the core of all beings; hence it is called the Heart. The only useful purpose of the present birth is to turn within and realize it. There is nothing else to do. (p. 146)
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- Author Ramana Maharshi
Dristim jnanamayim kritva, pasyet Brahmamayam jagat. By making your standpoint that of wisdom, the world will be seen only as God. (p. 153)
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