5 Quotes by Ranty McRanterson about democracy

  • Author Ranty McRanterson
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    The ancient Athenians were determined to free the people from the plutocrats. Now freedom has been replaced by freedumb, and the only freedom the people have is to choose this consumer item rather than that one. Whatever one they choose, they make the rich richer, and the boot on their neck grows ever more forceful.

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  • Author Ranty McRanterson
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    America is a fascist country because it is run by private markets, private banks, private corporations and private dynastic families, i.e. by all the entities that control America’s capital. The government of America is wholly owned by private interests, and exclusively serves those private interests. The people have no power. Every four years, they elect a stooge who pretends he’s the tribune of the people, while making no difference at all.

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  • Author Ranty McRanterson
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    It was plausible to vote for Trump if you saw him as the demented Discordian Pope of Chaos, the clown prince whose incompetence and recklessness would bring about the complete destruction of the current paradigm, and its replacement by something much better – Meritocracy. There is no other excuse. He is the stupid man’s candidate.

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  • Author Ranty McRanterson
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    A note to the wise ... supporting billionaire plutocrat Donald Trump is the last thing any sane, rational person would do if they want to reverse this monstrous system. There was just one good reason to vote for Trump ... to provoke the revolution that will finally bring to an end the diabolical regime run by people exactly like him, and including him.

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