7 Quotes by Richie Norton about home

  • Author Richie Norton
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    You are not your brain. You are not your thoughts. You are not your feelings. You are not your money. You are not your home. You are not your team. You are not your body. You are not your strength. You are not your intelligence. You are not your business. You are not your work. You are not your posts. You are not your likes. You are not your views. You are not your subs. You are much better than that. Repeat.

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  • Author Richie Norton
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    You don’t have to live your life tiptoeing around selfish, hidden-agenda-driven, crab-bucket, talk-behind-your-back, weasel people. You just don’t. At work, church, home or play — seek people who embody the future you want and surround yourself with loving influences. You deserve that circle of inclusion and influence, but it’s up to you to create it.

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  • Author Richie Norton
  • Quote

    Don’t sell based on inventory. Inventory based on who you want to sell.A lot of people sell homes. They all have structure. Location, size, style, function, benefit, community, who stays (and leaves)...totally different. You can sell or do anything at a premium. It may be a home, but the type of clientele you work with is a choice. Don’t sell based on inventory. Inventory based on who you want to sell.Go to work.

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