6 Quotes by Shannon Messenger about humor

  • Author Shannon Messenger
  • Quote

    Tinker considers questions to be far more valuable than answers, so it’s rare to get an actual explanation.”Dex snorted. “Huh, I wonder what that’s like.”“I know,” Sophie agreed. “We’re so used to everyone telling us everything we want to know the second we want to know it—how will we ever handle that kind of vagueness and mystery?”Mr. Forkle sighed. “I suppose I walked into that one.

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  • Author Shannon Messenger
  • Quote

    This is just a normal day for you, isn't it?" Keefe asked... "Go to school, find out you're covered in a dangerous substance, melt off a few layers of skin, and then hail your bestie the Councillor, tell him you're ditching study hall to save the world, and he says, 'Cool, I'll come with you!

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