12 Quotes by Steven Erikson about death

  • Author Steven Erikson
  • Quote

    Death cannot be struggled against, brother. It ever arrives, defiant of every hiding place, of every frantic attempt to escape. Death is every mortal's shadow, his true shadow, and time is its servant, spinning that shadow slowly round, until what stretched before one now stretched before him.

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  • Author Steven Erikson
  • Quote

    It’s what being a soldier is all about. That is what I have seen since we found them. You do not choose your family, and sometimes there’s trouble in that family, but you don’t choose.’‘But they did. They chose to be soldiers.’‘And then they come face to face with death, Saddic. That is the blood tie, and it makes a knot not even dying can cut.

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  • Author Steven Erikson
  • Quote

    Truths, yes. One after another, one boulder settling down, then another. And another. Blotting out the light, darkness closing in, grit and sand sifting down, a solid silence when the last one is in place. Now, dear fool, try drawing a single breath. A single breath.There were clouds closed fast round the moon. And one by one, gardens died.

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  • Author Steven Erikson
  • Quote

    Truths, yes. One after another, one boulder settling down, then another. And another. Blotting out the light, darkness closing in, grit and sand sifting down, a solid silence when the last one is in place. Now, dear fool, try drawing a breath. A single breath.There were clouds closed fast round the moon. And one by one, gardens died.

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  • Author Steven Erikson
  • Quote

    Spilled blood is lost blood, powerless blood in the end. It dies when abandoned. Witness violent death for proof of that.For the true face of Death is dissolution, and in dissolution there is chaos until the last mote of energy ceases its willful glow, its persistent abnegation.

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  • Author Steven Erikson
  • Quote

    The verge between sea and land marked the manifestation of the symbolic transition between the known and the unknown. Between life and death, spirit and mind, between an unlimited host of elements and forces contrary yet locked together. Lives were given to the seas, treasures were flung into their depths. And, upon the waters themselves, ships and their crews were dragged into the deep time and again.

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